LCTs present challenges for DNOs
The increasing adoption of Solar PV and other low carbon technologies (LCTs) presents challenges for Distribution Network Operators (DNOs).
- For decades electricity has flowed predictably in one direction from high voltage down to low voltage (LV) consumer but LCTs can create unpredictable reverse power flows
- LCTs can generate harmonics and cause localised voltage issues.
- Network capacity limits may be exceeded requiring reinforcement of the LV network
Visibility of the LV network
As a result DNOs now require visibility of the LV network.
- To be able to accurately estimate capacity available for connecting LCTs
- To forecast LV network behaviour and manage the uncertainty around future network scenarios
- To manage power quality issues introduced by LCTs
- To develop innovative lower cost alternatives to LV network reinforcement offers a comprehensive solution for all LV monitoring applications:
- reports on real and reactive power per feeder, voltage, current, voltage dips, frequency harmonics and flicker
- Wireless communications for remote accessibility
- Installation does not require customer supply interruption
- Powered from local AC phase voltage
When trending and logging is sufficient offers a more cost effective solution. has been deployed by DNOs in Innovation projects analysing the LV network and developing innovative network management techniques.
- Low Carbon London – UK Power Networks
- Flexible Networks, ARC (Accelerating Renewable Connections) – SP Energy Networks