- The vast majority of critical assets in the field today are greater than 25 years old.
- Less than 5% of installed critical assets have continuous monitoring integrated.
- Temperature is the leading indicator of critical asset failure.
- Critical asset failure is one of the leading causes of power outages.
- The average cost of critical asset failure is greater than £300K per event.
- The ROI for implementing continuous critical asset monitoring is less than 12 months.
- Critical asset failure often involves injury to humans, and is known to cause deaths
Wireless temperature sensors are fitted to critical joints and couplings in MV busbars. These are interrogated by a reader module and the temperatures sent to sub.net for analysis, recording and reporting. A rise in differential temperature indicates an evolving fault.
Readers can be looped together to connect all the bays to sub.net. The key benefits are –
- Non-invasive
- No power required for sensors
- Highly scalable
- Real-time, continuous monitoring